======Dark times in the Academy====== //Chapter 1 notes// ---- ====The end of an Era==== * 花在教育上的经费越来越少 * 更多地方雇佣 //adjunct// 人员取代 //tenure// 人员 (2013 年比例为 3:1) ===薪水走势=== {{:other:jobs:the_prof_in:snipaste_2023-09-12_14-27-47.png?600|}} ==adjunct 的问题== * 合同拖到新学期开始前签 * 没有学校的支持与指南 ====Breaking out of the Ivory Tower==== * 多半是说为啥自己要做这行 *// Individual efforts alone cannot overcome systemic forces.// ====The myths Grad students Believe==== ===学生相信的 myths(误区)=== * 别人评判的是我的 idea,不是 cv * TA exp will make me marktable * 很多人没有 publication 也拿到了工作 * 我对高压的工作没有野心,所以不需把 cv 写的很好 * 教书职位不需要很好的 cv * 我的 advisor 很牛逼所以我不用担心 * my discipline is doing fine * 我的 committee 说就业率很高 * 我不是为了钱干这个 * 没找到工作的都没我牛逼 * My passion sets me apart * 我是例外 ==作者认为的反面例子== >//The connections that you make in graduate school through getting involved, mentoring undergraduates, and teaching are invaluable. Although these may not show up as a line on your CV, they will shape who you are and help you during your job interview.” // --**They are not things that get a candidate short-listed** * 相信 passion 的权重很大。 it counts only as the motivator for a set of specific skills leading to a narrow set of quantifiable and mostly objective outcomes, in this case publications, grants, targeted teaching experience, and impressive references. * 为了显得真实而去否定 * 我没有野心/ 我不需要跟多的钱 / 我不需要高排名的职位 / 只要我在大学教书我就能开心 * 希望和舒适区: * asking prof for hope and confort( is seeking false reassurance, There is no “safe haven” for Ph.D.’s on the academic job market.) ==对应策略== 靠自己,不能考导师 * 最小化风险,最大化投资 * you must use every year in graduate school to** produce a record oriented precisely to the demands of the tenure track market**,while **keeping an eye open to nonacademic options.** (在入学时就可以开始准备了)