
Getting your head in the game

part 2 notes

TT Job Search Process

typeical hiring process

A line is born
  1. 在广告出来之前的秋季,大学的 Dean 会让 dept 提交雇佣的需求
  2. 需求在 dept 内部,通过投票决定最需要优先雇佣的岗位
  3. 得出结论后提交给大学的 Dean
  4. Dean 来决定最终的 hire。这个 hire 被称为 Line e.g.(“We’ve been authorized to fill the line in Japan anthropology.”)
An Ad is Written
  1. Hire 决定后, dept 会收到学校的 authorization
  2. dept head 会组建 hiring committee 来针对申请到的 line 写 JD
  3. searching committee:
    1. 通常由 4-5 个 facutly 组成(也可能有 grad student)
    2. commiittee 负责 administrative details, 比如:
      1. outlining 的流程
      2. deadline 的制定
      3. search 的优先级,优先级会反应 committee member 的兴趣,以及 dept program 实际的需要
  4. final ad 会在春季之前完成,然后在 8-9 份发放。

牛逼大学的 JD 会更 impossibly general, 垃圾大学会更具体。因为牛逼大学只会考虑最牛逼的申请者,所以不需要写那么多条条框框。这些牛逼的申请者通常都会被他们放到他们的人力资源池里做挑选(备胎)。

限定条件比较多的职位,通常是因为经费 / 职位有限的原因,所以会定出很多条件。

联邦的要求是入围申请者必须满足 ad 上的所有条件,但实际上学校的自主权很大(特别是私立)

A Review is conducted
  1. 当申请过了 deadline, 所有的 complete applications 都会开始 initial view
    1. incomplete application(比如推荐信没有交齐的) 会被 discarded(以前 commiittee 可能会告知这样的申请者,但现在越来越少。)
  2. 长短名单(long short list)会在接下来进行制作。
    1. 名单上的人都是会被邀请店面的候选者。
    2. 名单长度大概在 25人左右
    3. 筛选:
      1. 申请数量通常在300 - 1000左右,大部分将会收拒信
      2. 每个 committee 成员都会做出一份自己的长短名单
      3. 某个进 list 的申请人,如果 committee 看不懂其研究,那么会临时找个组外的类似领域的人来看
      4. 如果某个申请人进了所有成员的长短名单,那么该申请人会被立即放到最终的长短名单里(4/5也有很大几率)
      5. 剩下的 3/5 的会进行详细讨论。每个成员会提出自己选择的理由,最后会得出一致的结论。
  3. 筛出来的,进入长短名单的候选者,会被邀请电面(20-40分钟)
The Short Short List Is Finalized
  1. 根据额外的信息(通常在10-12月)以及店面的结果,search committee 会开始制作短短名单(short-short list)。
  2. 短短名单通常是一个五人的名单,这 5 人通常会交给整个 faculty 左 review
  3. 短短名单中的成员会根据整个 facutly 的投票来进行排名(根据学校的不同,有些学校会遵循 commiittee 的决定,有些学校会撕逼)
  4. 最终排名前三的候选人会被邀请 on-site 的面试
    1. 面试通常由系主任发出
    2. 面试时 search committee 大概率会解散,由全体 faculty 来做最终的决定
    3. 面试通常会在 1-2 月份进行,通知通常在 winter break 之前就会收到(特定情况下有 dec 就邀请人去的,这种一般很难处理,因为要做选择)
Campus Visits Take Place
  1. campus visit 通常会持续两天(穷比学校1天左右)
    1. 系里会有人来接机和送机
    2. 行程包括
      1. 吃饭
      2. 和单独 faculty 的 short meeting
      3. 和 search commmitte 一起的正式会议。该会议上会做 job talk 或者 teaching demo,dean 和 head 都会来。
      4. 之后会有一个 campus tour 带你参观学校的设施,以及跟你相关的 program
  2. 送你回去之后,系里会做出最后的决定:
    1. 如果 search commiitee 没解散,那么就是他们做决定
    2. 如果 解散了,就是所有 faculty 一起决定(撕逼)
A Decision Is Made
  1. 最终的讨论会聚焦于候选者在 job talk 和 Q&A 上的表现
    1. 对于该工作的 fitting 的程度(有没有能力满足研究和教育的需求)
    2. 容忍度和亲合度:(在将来的几年内,faculty 是否愿意见到这个人)
  2. 最终,faculty 会进行投票。候选者会被进行两种投票:
    1. 排名投票
    2. 可接受/不可接受的投票
      1. 如果所有的候选者都被投票为 unacceptable ,那么 search fails,没有人会被雇佣。dept 需要下学年重复之前的进程做下一次的申请
      2. 如果 offer 给了其中一个 acceptable 的候选者且该人接受了 offer,则 search 是 successful close,接下来会进入 offer negotiate 的环节
        1. 主要是和 dean 讨论
        2. offer letter 通常会包括:teaching load, 薪水,start-up funds, moving funds, junior sabbatical or leave, 保险,退休福利和其他(比如 travel funding)
        3. 到此签约完成

Stop Acting Like a Grad Student!


通常学术的培训过程中更强调的是服从和卑微,导致申请者 acting like a student。但工作找的不是学生,找的是同事,他们需要的是 peer。几个可以修正该问题的策略:

You Drone On and On About Your Dissertation
You Think People Are Out to Get You in Your Department

Regardless of how you were treated in your department, say nothing but collegial things about it on the market.Because how you talk about your Ph.D. department suggests how you will talk about your future department. And your future department wants a colleague who has a positive attitude.

You Think People Are Out to Get You in Your Discipline
You Constantly Repeat Your Main Point
You Make Excuses for Yourself
  • 典型的借口案例(How would you teach our intro course?):
    • 我之前没教过大课,我不知道咋整
    • 我不知道你们系咋整的,所以我会跟着你们做
    • 我教过,但并不是很顺利,所以我想做很多改变。
  • 你应该说:
    • 我喜欢教大课,因为我可以向更多的学生展示我们这行能干啥
    • 我会使用某本书,因为我觉得这本书是最好的。并且我还会结合其他的一些书来进行
    • 我会平衡两种观点。虽然我会更多的从 X 观点上去进行,但对于入门课程来说,向学生展示该领域的所有内容(观点)是有必要的。

Embrace the positive.

You Wait for Permission
You’re Submissive

your work is important and deserves a serious delivery.

The Attributes of a Competitive Tenure Track Candidate









A plan





Building a Competitive Record

Before Graduate School

这一段在讲如何根据自己想拿的 TT 职位来挑选学校,项目和导师(你可以略过了。)

Early in Graduate School

这一段讲如何处理 Gradeate school 中的各种事务,如何通过这些内容来累积自己的资本。对于现在的你:

In Your Final Years of Graduate School

Your Campaign Platform


8 个相互关联的要点,将你的教学,研究,服务等联系到一起并包装起来。以作者的纲领为例:

Why They Want to Reject You




When to Go on the Market and How Long to Try

ABD 的一些需要克服的挑战

  1. dissertation substantially finished, rigorous writing schedule, firm defense date
  2. at least one publication, and preferably more, in a refereed journal.
  3. have a compelling dissertation topic
  4. have a vibrant conference record
  5. you must organize a major panel for the leading conference in your field.
  6. must have a recommender from a high-status institution outside your Ph.D.-granting institution.
  7. must not make querulous excuses about the state of the dissertation
  8. must be able to speak about teaching as a professor, not a TA
  9. articulate the import of your dissertation in advancing disciplinary boundaries and forging new knowledge and connections in your field(s)
  10. 其他的:CV,cover letter, dynamic teaching statement
  11. how to dress and speak in interviews

How long to keep tring

-continuing as an adjunct longer than about three years -有伴侣的支持可以干七年


Regardless of how long and where you adjunct, make sure you’re protecting yourself and your financial and emotional interests as well as you can. Do not sacrifice your health and well-being indefinitely at the altar of tenure track aspirations. When choosing among several options, make sure to go for the one that advances your personal cause the best. Weigh your immediate need to build a competitive record for the purposes of the job search against your long-term financial and mental health.

Where Are the Jobs? Institution Types and Ranks

本书的目标读者:R1 candidate。其定义:


近年来公立与私立大学之间的待遇已经出现了较大差距。公立大学待遇要比私立大学低20%左右。待遇根据院系和 doantion 也会出现差异。

关于 teaching load:

  • ivy: 2/1
  • r1: 2/2
  • r2:2/3 或 3/3

人文学科会给更多的 teaching loading.

R1 与 R2 的主要区别就是 teaching load 的不同。

SLAC 根据 rank 的不同在 teaching load 上有一定差异:

  • Mid-Rank 一般与 R2 差不多
  • low-rank 非常高,4/4 也是常见的,薪水还很低

Where and How to Find Reliable Advice



Why “Yourself” Is the Last Person You Should Be

A Tightly Organized Research Program


A Calm Confidence in a Research Contribution to a Field or Discipline.


“People have looked at X but nobody has yet looked at Y”; “I am building on the work of X and Y”


In contrast to common views in the field of X, my research shows that instead the core variable is Y. This shifts how we view A and B.

* 博士题目应该是全新的new topic),原创的,自主的,而不是基于一个项目的二次开发(不管是不是你之前的项目)

A Clear and Specific Trajectory of Publications


As you saw from my CV, I have two refereed journal articles published on this body of work in the Journal of X and Journal of Y. I have another in revise-and-resubmit stage at the Journal of Z. Beyond that, I am finalizing my book manuscript, and am speaking with editors at Duke and Chicago about a contract. I expect that to be complete in spring of next year, and after that I am planning two more articles based on material that didn’t make it into the book.
Innovative but Concise, Unemotional Plans for Teaching at All Levels of the Curriculum
A Nondefensive Openness to the Exchange of Ideas

Nondefensive 的例子:


“I notice you don’t really address gender in much detail in the dissertation. Do you have plans to develop that?”


Oh my gosh, yes, it’s true. I didn’t really get to include gender. I really wanted to, but, uh, you know, I just ran out of time, and that’s a total lack in the dissertation, I know, and I’m totally going to focus on correcting that.”


Yes, thanks for raising that point. In fact, as I worked deeper into my analysis I discovered that gender was not the primary variable, and that a focus on X allowed me to keep my emphasis on Y.”


and am working up a manuscript that addresses it from the perspective of Z to submit to the Journal of Q. I’d look forward to talking to you more about that.
A Steely-Eyed Grasp of the Real (as Opposed to Fantasy) Needs of Actual Hiring Departments