

Workplace Violence & Harassment Prevention

阿省 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE (Order eight - 2019) 要求雇员必须接受对 violence 与 harassment 的培训。该培训包括:

  • 认识到什么是 violence 与 harassment
  • 了解雇佣者制定的,对 violence / harassment 的政策以及处理流程
  • 如何正确的回应 violence / harassment
  • 如何举报,调查,记录已发生的 violence 与 harassment

What is a safe workplace

雇员在工作中应避免导致或参与到 violence / harassment 中。

What is workplace harassment

What about discrimination

歧视(discrimination)在工作环境中主要体现为雇员(或小组)被基于 protected grounds(见下) 中的原因进行区别对待


harassment 的典型行为

  • objectionable or unwelcome conduct
    • Speaking English! We can't understand a word you're saying.
    • What's wrong with him? does he have to yell at me again? Infront of everyone?
    • Get out of the way! I can't believe you work here.
    • You are so useless!
    • Can't you do your job right. You are really stupid!
    • Don't start thinking you're better than me. I can break you! One day you'll need a letter of recommendation from me.
    • You don't belong in this field.
    • Don't forget who's completing your evaluation.
    • Stop whining about working after hours. If you want to finish your PHD, you'll do what I tell you to do.
  • conduct, comment, bullying or action because of any reason in protected grounds:
    • As I keep telling you over and over, you're not right for this project. You're too old!
  • a sexual solicitation or advance
    • Let's get together after work. If you're “nice” to me, I'll approve your vacation request.

harassment 可能导致的问题

conflict vs harassment


这种情况不属于 harassment, 因为上级指出了雇员的缺陷并提供了训练机会,而并没有使用任何语言或者行为贬低或羞辱该雇员。

这种情况属于观点的 confilict。该成员拥有发声的权利。

conflict vs Bullying


safe workplace 包含网络在内。

Cyberbullying 例子


What to do about harassment

  1. 记录
    1. 时间
    2. 地点
    3. 位置
    4. 可能的目击证人
    5. 事件的其他细节
    6. 尽量精确的将目击到的过程记录下来
    7. 保留任何 harassment 的正确
  2. 寻求帮助
    1. supervisor, dp chair, associate chair, Director, AVP / AP, Dean or Associate Dean, 或者部门中的其他 Officer
    2. 其他途径:


任何目击发生在团队中 harassment 的成员,都有责任举报该行为。

What is workplace violence

violence 被定义为威胁,或导致被害人受到生理/心里伤害的行为(或者尝试)。可能的例子:

Who is at higher risk?

working violence 的苗头以及典型特征

对 working violence 的应对方法

Violence and harassment Prevention

Making a disclosure(如何披露 harassment)

What is a disclosure




formal complaint

formal complaint 的细节和流程


根据于 disclosure 的实际情况,学校可能会采取正式的调查。该调查的过程参考 Collective agreements



UA 的政策
