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part 2 notes
牛逼大学的 JD 会更 impossibly general, 垃圾大学会更具体。因为牛逼大学只会考虑最牛逼的申请者,所以不需要写那么多条条框框。这些牛逼的申请者通常都会被他们放到他们的人力资源池里做挑选(备胎)。
限定条件比较多的职位,通常是因为经费 / 职位有限的原因,所以会定出很多条件。
联邦的要求是入围申请者必须满足 ad 上的所有条件,但实际上学校的自主权很大(特别是私立)
通常学术的培训过程中更强调的是服从和卑微,导致申请者 acting like a student。但工作找的不是学生,找的是同事,他们需要的是 peer。几个可以修正该问题的策略:
Regardless of how you were treated in your department, say nothing but collegial things about it on the market.Because how you talk about your Ph.D. department suggests how you will talk about your future department. And your future department wants a colleague who has a positive attitude.
Embrace the positive.
your work is important and deserves a serious delivery.
这一段在讲如何根据自己想拿的 TT 职位来挑选学校,项目和导师(你可以略过了。)
这一段讲如何处理 Gradeate school 中的各种事务,如何通过这些内容来累积自己的资本。对于现在的你:
8 个相互关联的要点,将你的教学,研究,服务等联系到一起并包装起来。以作者的纲领为例:
-continuing as an adjunct longer than about three years -有伴侣的支持可以干七年
Regardless of how long and where you adjunct, make sure you’re protecting yourself and your financial and emotional interests as well as you can. Do not sacrifice your health and well-being indefinitely at the altar of tenure track aspirations. When choosing among several options, make sure to go for the one that advances your personal cause the best. Weigh your immediate need to build a competitive record for the purposes of the job search against your long-term financial and mental health.
本书的目标读者:R1 candidate。其定义:
近年来公立与私立大学之间的待遇已经出现了较大差距。公立大学待遇要比私立大学低20%左右。待遇根据院系和 doantion 也会出现差异。
关于 teaching load:
人文学科会给更多的 teaching loading.
R1 与 R2 的主要区别就是 teaching load 的不同。
SLAC 根据 rank 的不同在 teaching load 上有一定差异:
“People have looked at X but nobody has yet looked at Y”; “I am building on the work of X and Y”
In contrast to common views in the field of X, my research shows that instead the core variable is Y. This shifts how we view A and B.
* 博士题目应该是全新的(new topic),原创的,自主的,而不是基于一个项目的二次开发(不管是不是你之前的项目)
As you saw from my CV, I have two refereed journal articles published on this body of work in the Journal of X and Journal of Y. I have another in revise-and-resubmit stage at the Journal of Z. Beyond that, I am finalizing my book manuscript, and am speaking with editors at Duke and Chicago about a contract. I expect that to be complete in spring of next year, and after that I am planning two more articles based on material that didn’t make it into the book.
Nondefensive 的例子:
“I notice you don’t really address gender in much detail in the dissertation. Do you have plans to develop that?”
Oh my gosh, yes, it’s true. I didn’t really get to include gender. I really wanted to, but, uh, you know, I just ran out of time, and that’s a total lack in the dissertation, I know, and I’m totally going to focus on correcting that.”
Yes, thanks for raising that point. In fact, as I worked deeper into my analysis I discovered that gender was not the primary variable, and that a focus on X allowed me to keep my emphasis on Y.”
and am working up a manuscript that addresses it from the perspective of Z to submit to the Journal of Q. I’d look forward to talking to you more about that.