What & How & Why

Job Documents that work

part 4 notes

The Academic Skepticism Principle

Your job documents—CV, coverletter, teaching statement, research statement—need and deserve the same level of care that you give to any of the writing you do in your career, including your dissertation and publications.

draft 的注意事项
  • drafts 需要反复修改
    • drafts 必须描述事实(fact),而不是情感
  • 不要事无巨细的将自己的经历写到 CV 中
    • The reader is going to see you as a graduate student who is lacking a clear platform.
    • commiitee 不会仔细读你的提供的细节。太多的细节会掩盖你真正相关的东西


  • 将所有的东西都列出来(listing)是一个主要的问题:
    • 列表这种形式会使阅读变得单调乏味
    • 列表是松散型,附加的论证形式,不是一个分析性的,有针对性的论点
dyads & Lisiting

Dyads(双重列举)是 Listing 这种写法的典型形式。两者是互相包含的关系。这种形式具有极强的催眠效果(下面是例子):

These findings challenge and refine sociolinguistic and anthropological premises and principles to encompass multilingual and language contact settings in both Japan and China.
My role as teacher is to enable students to develop their philosophical vision and literacy through an informed and sustained practice of traditional and contemporary philosophical methodologies coupled with critical study of philosophical history and theory. I see in the rigorous study of this history and theory an important tool for challenging undergrad and graduate students to go above and beyond the constraints and parameters of their initial understanding of formal and conceptual frameworks.

The outcome is a dizzying and tedious jumble of words that skims over a massive set of variables instead of clarifying a project.

不要滥用 list
  • 某些地方必须要用 List:
    • 研究的文本
    • 用的方法
    • 涉及到的主题
  • 少量 list 可能是有益的,但不意味着大量的 list 会更好


  • 大量使用情感代替事实进行写作会导致质量问题(反例如下)

* “I am sincere in my commitment to”; * “I delight in the work of”; * “I am so excited to be part of”; * “I consider it a remarkable honor and privilege to be able to”; * “I am passionate about.”

  • overused
  • 情感的东西不能描述真正的你
  • 任何结论都不能基于情感来得到
  • Job documents 不应该提到任何基于你情感上的东西(你觉得的,你希望的,你相信的)(e.g: “I am passionate about teaching,”) 如果你喜欢教学,那么描述你的课程和教学法。
  • 避免形容词和副词:这两种词汇更加倾向于告诉(telling)而不是展示(showing),反例如下:
  • Incredible (incredibly)
  • Amazing (amazingly)
  • Striking (strikingly)
  • Serious (seriously)
  • Intense (intensely)
  • Remarkable (remarkably)
  • Considerable(considerably)
  • Very / Really

使用在句子中的反例:“This assignment produces some incredible student work!”


Sincere / Eager / Earnest /Delighted / Excited / Honored / Thrilled / Passionate

  • reviewer 需要的是证据. record 是证明自身拥有激情的最好方式。

What’s Wrong with Your Cover Letter

本节起始页 P159。有问题请直接查阅书

Cover letter 可能出问题的地方
  • 格式
  • organzation
  • 内容
  • 语气

It is Not on Letterhead

  • Your letter must be on letterhead if you have a current academic affiliation of any kind.
  • 学校要是不给就去偷或者PS
  • CV teaching / research statement 不用

It Does Not Follow Norms of Business Correspondence Etiquette

  • letter必须遵循标准的信件礼仪
    • 日期在左上, letterhead 的下方
    • 紧接着是一个空行
    • 然后是收件人的地址,左对齐
    • 然后再一个空行
    • 最后开头写: “Dear Professor” / “Dear Members of the search committee”
    • 再接一个空行
    • 在写:I am writing in application to the advertised position in X at the University of X.”

  • 以上的内容不能做任何的删减
  • 以上的区域不要加入任何额外的内容
  • 不要以 “please accept this application” 为开头,你不是在恳求他们

It Is Too Long

  • 长度:must be two pages in length (junior, first / second job)
  • 文本(text)类型: 11-or 12-point type,任意一种专业字体(Garamond, Verdana, Times New Roman, and the like)
  • letter margins: one inch wide

注意使用 white space。页面上的留白更能体现出扩展性和你的自信。

You Are Telling, Not Showing

  • letter 中应该包括事实(证据),而不是基于情感的 claim


I am passionate about teaching


I used new technologies to create innovative small group discussion opportunities in my large introductory classes, technologies that were later adopted by my colleagues in the department


I worked one-on-one with students on individual research projects leading to published articles. Several students later nominated me for our campus’s Best Undergraduate Teacher award, which I won in 2015

You Drone On and On About Your Dissertation

  • 招聘你的人不会关心你的 dissertation,关心的是其在学术/学科上的重要性和意义。
    • 你的 dissertation 是你作为学生写的,而他们招的不是学生
    • 他们只想知道的是你的 dissertation 是否与任何发表,会议,grant, teaching 或是 interventions
  • dissertation 应该被整理为一个更容易理解的段落
    • 在之后的简短段落中, specify the major debates in your field(s) that the dissertation intervenes in and the nature of the intervention it makes.
    • 然后从你的 dissertation 快速的过渡到基于 dissertation 会议论文以及发表,未来的计划,以及其如何影响和激励你的教学。

Your Teaching Paragraph Is Weepy

  • 招聘者只在乎你是否是一个有效率的老师
    • 你需要提供证据
  • 招聘者更希望你是有创造性的老师
    • 你也需要提供证据
  • 为此需要提供的内容:
    • 教学方法
    • 指定对应的课程,然后描述用了什么特定的方法在这个课程上
    • 如果有对应的 outcome(比如 award),一起附上
    • 如果有非常好的评价,简要的提议两点,但千万不要写上学生的,类似于(This was a really great class!” or “Professor X was well organized!)的 remarks
    • 如果你的 funding 不从教学岗来,你可以寻找一些教学的机会,做一些 guest lectures,并寻求一些有经验的老师帮助你制作与你领域相关的 proposed classes

You Present Yourself as a Student, Not a Colleague

  • 自信
  • 不要找借口
  • 依靠自己
  • 不要以 Profeesor so-and-so 这样的语体去称呼 facutly

You Don’t Specify Publication Plans

  • 介绍你的publication:
    • in press
    • in submission
    • in manuscript stage where you intend to submit them
    • book 提一下出版社

You Don’t Have a Second Research Project

  • ok

You Didn’t Do Your Homework

  • 了解并阅读系内其他 facutly 的研究(除导师之外的)
  • 说出两位可能与你有潜在合作可能性的 facutly member
  • 讲一讲系里的项目

You’re Disorganized and Rambling

P166,介绍如何写研究岗 cover letter

You Didn’t Tailor

具体事例参考 P 167

  • 申请模板根据 teaching 和 research 来区分

模板 P 168

Tailoring with Dignity

  • tailoring 不是求人
    • 是认识目标学校的
      • programs
      • initiatives
      • centers
      • emphases
      • specializations
  • 你需要可以有效的为以上的内容贡献生产力
  • 如果系里有可能合作的,你可以提一提这些人,但需要细节
  • 你需要展示你熟悉目标学校正在进行的项目,并表明你热衷于参与

tailering 的表现手法

  • 将博士论文或自己的项目与你申请工作的主题联系起来
  • 你教过的课程也应该对应广告里要求的东西


I can teach/say/be anything you want….


I would particularly look forward to participating in the Ethnicity, Race, and Nationalism interest group in the department, and envision developing an upper-level undergraduate course, Ethnic Nationalisms in Eastern Europe, as part of that dedicated curriculum. I can envision collaborating with Smith on projects related to Eastern European politics and economics, and with Nelson on work related to the post-socialist transition. I am also interested in the activities of the Center for Democracy Studies on campus, and would look forward to bringing an anthropological and Eastern European perspective into those cross-disciplinary conversations.


  • 熟悉单位的员工是个潜在的好员工(至少会往系里的需求方向去改变其教学研究目标,也会在其他场合代表系及其利益)


* “I would be happy to teach any of your introductory courses, including Anth 103, 105, 112, or 121.” (Abject eagerness to fill adjunct-level teaching needs.)
* “I would be thrilled to be a part of a department like yours with such a long and illustrious history in the field of Asian studies.” (Undignified flattery.)
* “It would be a great honor to join the dynamic faculty of the English department at the University of X, and I would strive to be a productive member.” (Desperate pandering.)

反例 (flattery):

“Your department is an exciting and dynamic intellectual community.”
As one of the top-ranked programs in the country, your program is very exciting to me.”
Being home to one of finest student bodies in the country, your campus would be an ideal location for me to start my teaching career.”
“The University of X’s culture of teaching quality, commitment to institutional diversity, and unique partnership with the community are major strengths.
讲你希望为这个 program 贡献什么


The department’s long-standing strengths in Francophone cinema make this position a particularly appealing one for me. I would look forward to the opportunity to develop courses on emergent cinemas from West Africa and the Caribbean, and can also envision bringing material on those cinemas into introductory courses such as Introduction to World Cinema. I am familiar with the annual film festival hosted by the Center for Media Studies on campus, and I would enjoy collaborating with those organizers to increase the representation of Francophone cinema in that festival’s offerings.

* 首先,表明了申请者在像 facutly 一样思考

  • 其次,表达了申请者希望参与到学校项目中的意愿,并希望通过自己的参与提高系里的 program 的知名度
talioring 必须具体


“I am excited to develop my career in research and teaching at your department.”
“This position appeals to me because of the excellent faculty and resources on campus.”
“I would be interested to develop a range of undergraduate and graduate courses in the department.”
“I am intrigued by the many possibilities for collaboration in the department.”
“My specialization in X will be valuable for the graduate students in the department.
tailorling 不是你认为的匹配
  • 匹配不匹配你自己说了不算


“My combination of experience in X and Y makes me an excellent fit for your position in Z.”

Your goal is not to prove you are “qualified,” but to demonstrate the ways that you are exceptional.

Rules of the Academic CV

General Formatting Rules

  • One-inch margins on all four sides
  • 12-point type throughout
  • Single-spaced.
  • Consistent type size throughout, except the candidate’s name at top, which can be 14-or perhaps 16-point type.
  • Headings in bold and all caps.
  • Subheadings in bold only.
  • No italics except for journal and book titles
  • One or two blank lines before each new heading.
  • One blank line before each subheading.
  • One blank line between each heading and its first entry.
  • All elements left justified
  • No bullet points at all, ever, under any circumstances. This is not a résumé.
  • No box or column formatting (会干扰到 CV 的调整/更新)
  • No “cont’d” headings at the tops of pages. (同上)
  • The year (but not month or day) of every entry in the CV is left justified, with tabs or indents separating the year from the substance of the entry.
    • 允许看 cv 的人更快的根据时间轴来查看你的成果
    • candidates are evaluated by their productivity over time, and when you produced is as important as what you produced.
  • No narrative verbiage anywhere.
  • No description of “duties” under “Teaching/Courses Taught.”
  • No paragraphs describing books or articles.
  • No explanations of grants/fellowships (“This is a highly competitive fellowship.”).
  • No personal stories.
  • No self-indulgent ruminations (“My work at the U of X is difficult to condense.”).
  • Optional dissertation abstract: Some advisors insist on a separate heading for “Dissertation” with a short one-paragraph abstract underneath it. One year or so beyond completion of the dissertation, it should be removed.

Heading Material

  • Name at top, centered, in 14-or 16-point type.
  • The words “Curriculum Vitae” immediately underneath or above the name, centered, in 12-point type, if appropriate to your field.
  • The date, immediately below, centered, is optional. Senior scholars always date their CVs.
  • Below the date, your institutional and your home addresses, plus phone numbers, should be on the left and the right side of the page, respectively, parallel to one another.


  • 按 degree 来排
  • 使用简写,比如 Ph.D. M.A. B.A. in decending order
  • 给出 dept, insititution, year of completion. 不要给 starting date
  • ABD,或是毕业不到一年的 Ph.d. 可以将 Dissertation/Thesis Title 或是 “Dissertation/Thesis Advisor 写进去
  • Do not include any other verbiage
Professional Appointments
  • ABD candidates may have no professional appointments(可忽略)
  • 这个区域写的内容写你签过合同的职位,比如
    • TT
    • insutructorships,
    • visiting positions
    • pso doctoral psosition
  • 给出职位所在学校,部门,title, 被雇佣的时间时间(year only)
  • joint appointments 也应写入
  • 不超过一年的临时任职,TA等非职业聘用的经历不应该写
  • Courses that you taught as an adjunct are not listed under professional employment. No courses are listed in this section;


  • books
  • edited volumes
  • refereed journal articles
  • Book chapters
  • conference Proceddings
  • Encyclopedia Entries
  • Book reviews
  • Manuscripts in Submission (Give journal title.)
  • Manuscripts in Preparation
  • Web-Based Publications
  • Other Publications (This section can include nonacademic publications, within reason.)

Note that forthcoming accepted publications are listed with published pieces if they are accepted without any further revisions; they are listed at the very top since their dates are furthest in the future. If they are in press, they can be listed here with “in press” in place of the year, or “forthcoming” if they are accepted but not yet in press

Awards and Honors
  • name of award
  • institutional location
  • Year (at left)
  • Always in reverse descending order
  • Listing dollar amounts appears to be field-specific
  • check with a trusted senior advisor.
Grants and Fellowships
  • funder
  • insititutional location in which received/used
  • year
  • Listing dollar amounts appears to be field-specific;
Invited Talks
  • talks to which you have been invited (not yours!)
  • title
  • institutional location
  • date(year only) at left
  • Month and day of talk go into entries.
Conference Activity/Participation
  • using subeadings
    • Conferences/Symposia Organized
    • Panels Organized
    • Papers Presented
    • Discussant
  • entries 包括
  • name of paper
  • name of conference
  • date(year only) on left
  • Month and day of talk go into entries.(e.g. March 22-25)
  • No extra words such as “Paper title.”
  • Future conferences should be listed here, once you have had a paper officially accepted but not before
    • It is not the convention to use the term “forthcoming” for any conference activity.
    • dates will be future dates (the first date they will be listed)
Campus or Departmental Talks


  • 在自己学校/系做的 talk

Guest lectures in courses should not be listed here or anywhere on the CV unless you are a very green candidate with little other content.

Teaching Experience
  • 内容: 可以按位置 / 领域 / level 或者三者组合起来(合适自己的就行)
  • 格式
    • 在多个学校教过:
      • 每个学校需要用一个 subheading
      • 将教过的课往下靠左排列(这里不能使用 year-to-the-left 的格式)
      • 在每门课的右边, in parentheses, give the terms and years taught (用于简洁的展示你教了多久)
      • 只给课程的 title,不需要给 course number(学校间并不统一)
      • 如果教的课超过15门,简化一下
      • TA 的experience 也放到这里
      • No narrative verbiage under any course title
      • No listing of “duties” or “responsibilities”
Research Experience
  • RA 在这里写
  • LAb 经验在这里写
  • 可以稍加说明,但如果项目比较大,一个详细的句子说明就足够了
Service to Profession
  • journal manuscript review work, with ournal titles (如果reivew工程量很大,可以单独起个 subheading), leadership of org 等等
  • 有些领域内 panel organizing 也可以放到这里
  • entry 左对齐,年份包含在 entry 中
Departmental/University Service
  • search committess
  • other committees work
  • appointment to faculty senete
  • the title or committee is left justified, with the year in the entry
Extra Training (optional)
  • 欧洲人,UK 多用这样的
  • professional skills, seminars, short programs
Community Involvement/Outreach (optional)

lincludes work with libraries and schools, public lectures, and the like. Media Coverage (optional). Coverage of your work by the media. Do not include blurbs or quotes from reviews. These are not movie trailers.

technical skills relevant to the discipline. More common in professional schools and science fields

Nonacademic Work (optional)

Include only if relevant to your overall academic qualifications.

Teaching Areas/Courses Prepared to Teach (optional)

You can give a brief list of course titles (titles only) that represent your areas of teaching preparation. No more than about eight courses should be listed here.

  • 会的语言都在这里垂直列出
  • proficiency 按 reading, speaking, writing 的顺序
  • 使用 native, fluent, excellent, conversational, good, can read with dictonary 等清楚的评价来说明
Professional Memberships or Affiliations
  • 将所有的,你是成员的专业组织垂直向下列出
  • 如果资历够资深(加入了很多,请写出加入的年份)
  • 将 References 垂直往下列出
  • 写出 name 和 fuill title,不要加 “Dr” 或是 “Professor” 前缀
  • 给出完整的 mail 地址,以及电话和 email
  • 不要写任何关于 references 的解释性的东西(比如“Ph.D. committee member,”)


  • 当申请 teachging 职位的时候,将 teaching 的内容放在前面(紧接着 education)
  • 不要移动 research 的内容(很多 teaching shcool 也希望看你的研究内容)
  • peer-reviewed 内容更具竞争力,因此优先级要比不是 peer-reviewed 内容更高
  • 非常有竞争力的内容:
    • peer-reviewed publications taking place of honor
    • Awards and honors
    • fellowships and grants
  • individual recognition
  • invited talk 高于 volunteered paper to a conference (用顺序的方式体现这个)
  • teaching / traning 没有竞争力

Just Say No to the Weepy Teaching Statement


it is too long
  • 不能超过一页
  • 重要性不及 job letter 和 CV
  • 11 or 12 point type and one-inch margins

when you write a professional job document, write everything you think need to say, then go back and take half out. Always write less than you think you need.

You Tell a Story Instead of Making Statements Supported by Evidence


I always like to use multimedia materials in the classroom. I first discovered the value of these when I taught Introduction to Cultural Anthropology at East Tennessee State last spring. In that class I had the opportunity to use a wide range of videos and online materials. Students told me that they really loved these, and I came to feel that these are excellent methods for promoting in-class discussions. I plan to use them in future classes as well.


  • telling instead of showing
  • We want principles of teaching, and evidence that you exemplify these principles in specific classroom goals and practices.


  1. wide general good
  2. teaching strategies that manifest this good
  3. examples from specific classes
  4. evidence that the strategies were effective
  5. conclusion.
You Express Sentiments That Are Saccharine, Obvious, and Indistinguishable from Countless Other Applicants’

很多人描写 (wide general good)并没有突出自身的特点,以下是反例:

  1. “encouraging discussion”
  2. “supporting a variety of viewpoints”
  3. “hands-on learning”
  4. “promoting critical thinking”
  5. “creating engaged learners”

285/300 都写的这玩意,你说你烦不烦

Your teaching motivations need to arise from a sharp and incisive understanding of your discipline and its contributions to the greater good.

正确的做法;为了证明你的 discipline,需要给出的有:

  • actual examples from classes that you have taught
  • examples that are not painfully obvious

反例:“I use small group discussions!”

正例:(“I assigned mini-ethnographies of the local meatpacking district and then students shared these in a student symposium in the last week of term”

Ideally your teaching method will be memorable enough that reviewers will be able to say later

You Misread Your Audience
  • teaching statement 需要两份
    • 一份给 teaching oriented SLAC
    • 一份给 R1

这两份的区别在 degree 上。总的来说,招聘者希望你可以证明你的 teaching goal 与 他们学校的教学目标一致。那么:

  • SLAC:强调你的教学方法会在小课上成功,并强调你的研究在 undergraduate 学生中的作用
  • R1: describing your success in using innovative methods and technologies to teach lecture courses of hundreds of students
You Are Excessively Humble, Especially If You Are Female


“I was honored to have the opportunity to be entrusted with the core seminar in X,”
“I was fortunate to be selected for the award in X,”
“I hope that my methods will encourage students to…,”
“I am always striving to improve my skills and seek training in new methods”
You Are Excessively Emotional, Especially If You Are Female


“I am delighted when students tell me…,”
“I would be thrilled to teach your course in X,”
“I am so excited to use new materials,”
“It would be a great pleasure to create new courses,”
“I would love to be a part of…,” or
“I can’t say enough about how much I enjoy…”

太nice 会让你看起来像个临时工。

Those who are competitive in the tenure track market articulate a teaching persona that is consistent with their researcher persona: serious, rigorous, disciplinarily cutting-edge, demanding, and with high standards and expectations.

The teaching statement is meant to demonstrate that you are as self-directed, resourceful, and innovative in the classroom as you are in your research and writing.

  • 强调的是 persona 的一致性
  • 应该展现你的研究成果如何应用到你的课堂的(应用)
    • (比如你研究后末世幻想,那么展现一下你的学生是如何解构行尸走肉的)
You Don’t Have a Conclusion
  • All professional documents should conclude with a broad gesture toward the wider import of your work.


And I received positive feedback for that class

正例: “In sum, all of my pedagogical strategies are dedicated to teaching the debates and controversies animating political life in ways that will remain with the student long after he or she leaves my classroom.” 正例:

“To conclude, whether in small classes or large, I am dedicated to bringing the insights of political science to students’ lived experience, both at the local and global level.”

  • 反例示例,问题有:
    • hyper-emotionalism
    • striving
    • adjectives
Teaching [my discipline] provides many opportunities to stimulate students’ thinking about X and X. Students are more likely to learn when they are comfortable in the classroom, and when they are engaged with the material. To this end, I strive to give students individualized attention and to foster an understanding of the world around them through interactive learning.


  • 陈述了显而易见的内容
  • 没有提供有意义的内容
  • 也没有提供令人难忘的内容
When students know their teachers care about them, they are more attentive to and more enthusiastic about their studies. Each quarter, I invest time and effort into building long-lasting relationships with students. I learn their names, interests, and motivations for taking the course. I also design activities that encourage students to attend office hours, and I invite students to visit with me at cafés and restaurants during extended “office hours.” In addition, I make myself available through email, instant messaging, and social networking sites. Like my colleagues, I have boundaries for office hours and availability online, but I make sure that students never feel hesitant to contact me. I appreciate that students have other needs and concerns, and I recognize that personal problems and learning disabilities can impede their studies. It is also my experience that many students do not ask for help. Therefore, I take the initiative to contact students who seem uninterested or unresponsive, and I take note when I notice a sudden change in a student’s behavior. Showing a little concern can go a long way.


  • 完全是 emonton-talk
  • 充斥着 caring, striving, nurturing(关心,努力,培育)等词汇
  • “I” 被滥用了
  • I make myself available to students 这一点用了 九句话来描述

这一段传达给committee 的信号是,该候选人并没有 TT 级别的写作能力。

Students are also more enthusiastic about their studies when they are engaged with the material. In the classroom, I make every effort to create a supportive and collegial environment, in which students feel comfortable to share their ideas and to approach me for help. I begin each class with a fun and engaging activity related to course material. Sometimes, I play songs and ask students to interpret the lyrics. Other times, I play a short clip from a film or late-night comedy show. For example, in a class on X, I showed a clip on X from the film X. I also invite students to bring in songs, videos, and news articles for participation points. These activities allow students to participate in alternative ways, and they provide opportunities for students to see how X informs their everyday lives and experiences. During sections, I also incorporate creative but purposeful activities that stimulate students’ interest in X. In addition to giving mini-lectures to clarify the readings, I use a combination of small- and large-group discussions, simulations, and Jeopardy!-like review games. For each class I teach, I also create a blog, where I post each week’s agenda, discussion questions, and learning objectives. The blogs also provide an interactive forum for student-to-student and studentto-teacher communication, and they allow me to present information in multiple ways to better accommodate different learning styles.

  • 这一段有一些实质性的教学方法,但描述这些方法时过多的使用了情感性词汇,列表(list)和形容词。
  • 有一个词汇 “mini-lectures”,这个词汇可能会贬低教学方法的重要性。
  • 几乎没有可以将其教学的方法与其学科关联起来的内容(X 就出现了几次)

>As an educator, I have a unique opportunity to help my students become better citizens who care more about the world around them. To make the most of this opportunity, I examine my own practices and strive to constantly improve upon them. To this end, I seek student feedback through the use of anonymous evaluations. These evaluations help students feel more invested in the course, and they help me know what and how to change in order to make my teaching more effective. If students come away from my class caring even a little bit more about X than they did at the start of the quarter, all the better.

  • 这一段使用了独特*(unique)这个最陈词滥调的词(emotional +1)
  • 提到改进学习方法是可以接受的,但不要超过一句话
  • 作者提到了过多的细节,然后重点又回到了 emontional
  • 这段内容暗示她所有的教学都要通过干预才能变得有效

Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness


  • 之前基本的 teaching statement
  • sample syllabi
  • proposed course descriptions
  • a list of course
  • evaluations or a summary of evaluations
  • complete evaluations(both numerial and narrtive) for one or two courses

sample syllabi

The Research Statement

  • 通常两页
  • 11 or 12 points type, one-inch margins
  • 不要 letterhead
  • 在正上方写上你的名字和 “research statement”
  • resarch statement 通常不会提及工作,不要过于明显的为了工作二丁酯 research statement
  • 不要 refer 到任何其他 job documents(e.g. As you can see from my CV, I have published extensively…)
  • 避免夸大(e.g.“This research is of critical importance to… )
  • Don’t go negative. Stay in the realm of what you did, not what others didn’t.
  • 尽量不要引用别的学者。这是你的研究。如果是合作,不要提合作者的名字,而是说“I have a coauthored essay in the Journal of X.””
  • 阐述你的研究的核心论点(In this dissertation, I argue that…”)
    • 你可以使用 (“In contrast to other scholars who have interpreted X as Y, in my dissertation I find that X is better understood as Z.”)
  • 阐述你从过去到现在的发表经历,从你已经发表 paper 的到你还在准备的发表的 paper。
  • 提出第二个主项目(要与第一个项目不同;主要是为了防止别人认为你只会一样东西)
  • 尽量使用主动语态;但不要滥用 “I”

research statement structure

  • PARA 1: 简单的概述你的研究的 theme 和 topic, 将其定位于你的领域内
  • PARA 2:你的 dissertation 的 summary
    • 这部分可能会重复 dissertation / cover letter 中的内容,但必须要包含:
      • 更多研究方法上的细节(more detail about the methodss)
      • 跟多理论的基础(the theoretical foundations)
      • 核心论点(cor arguments)
    • 人文/社科可以包含 dissertation 的 chapter summaries
      • 每个 chapter 一到两句
    • 科学领域应该反映假设 / 方法 和范围
  • PARA 3:简单的描述一下你的 dissertation 研究对领域的贡献
  • PARA 4 有关于你 dissertation 的所有 publication 的 sunmmery
    • 包含 a plan for the book(if in a book field)
    • 可以在本段中使用更多的段落描写你正在进行的其他研究(other on going resarch)
  • PARA 5下一个研究项目的 summary,包括:
    • topic
    • methods
    • a theoretical orientation
    • a brief statement of contribution to your fields
    • Mention publications, conference talks, or grants related to the new project.
  • PARA 6: A conclusion that briefly summarizes the wider impact of your research agenda(s) writ large
    • what do they tell us that is valuable and important, both for your discipline but also for a wider scholarly community, and, in some cases, for humanity in general.


focus on the research itself



I work on transitions in the care of the elderly in Japan. I am particularly focused on the recent growth in government-run care facilities. I use ethnographic methods to address the nature of the care given in these facilities, and I explore how the care is received by the patients and their families. I believe such an approach is essential in a context of Japan’s aging society. My dissertation explores one such facility in northern Japan.


The rapidly aging society is one of the primary challenges facing Japan in recent decades. Both the public and private sectors have hastened to respond to emerging needs of the elderly and their families. More than two hundred new government-run elderly care centers have been built in recent years. In my dissertation, I conduct an ethnographic study of one such facility in northern Japan, in order to explore the nature of the care provided there, as well as its reception by the elderly themselves and their family caregivers.
小心使用 “I”

大多数情况下,”I“ 是允许在社科领域中被允许使用的。但使用时尽量将其最小化(minimaize),并需要小心的处理其与上下文的关系。保证你的研究总是在前,而不是你的 ego。

research is not research of interest
  • 不要使用 interest。Interest-talk is one of the biggest red flags of a job document
    • 这是一个自我(self-involved)的表现,表明你可能不是个好同事。

department 期待你做的事是 labor,是 outcome based。也就是说你要么拿出符合他们想要的东西,要么你就拿不出。因此,好的 job docments 可以证明这一点,而 糟糕的 document 只能体现你的自恋,描述你的私人兴趣,困扰,痴迷–这些都会通过你的 interest 来表现。 反例如下:

I have long been interested in the relationship between gender and transnational mobility in Japan. This led to my interest in Japanese women as transnational agents. My dissertation addressed this issue, and one fascinating conclusion of the research was that women’s investment in transnational identities was not static but evolved over the life course. These interests led to an article I published in the Journal of X, which explored this subject further.

注意上文的 fascinating, 另外一个罪魁祸首


My dissertation addresses the relationship between gender and mobility in Japan, specifically focusing on Japanese women as transnational agents. Based on fieldwork in Japan using X and Y methods, the dissertation concluded that women’s investment in transnational identities was not static but evolved over the life course. I published part of this research in an article in the Journal of X; in this article I argue Q. I have another article on Y underway for submission this spring.


  • attempt
  • try
  • endeavor
  • hope
  • 类似以上的词


“In this research I hope to prove that…”
“Through such an analysis I will try to show that…”
“I believe that in making this argument I may be able to
demonstrate that…”

Do. Or do not. There is not a try. try.

In their place, write:

  • “In this research I prove that…”
  • “Through such an analysis I show that…”
  • “In making this argument I demonstrate that…”

And may the Force be with you

What Is a Diversity Statement, Anyway?



  • 由于历史和经济的原因,某些群体属于劣势群体
  • 这些劣势群体在追求高等教育的路上遇到了非常多的阻碍
  • 即便获得了教育机会,这部分群体也经常在知识传授的过程中被边缘化


  • diversity statement 需要展示你已经意识到了你需要改善这类问题
  • 而且你会将改善此类群体的意识付诸于实践。
  • 实践的领域包括你的研究,教学,服务以及其他具体的方式。


  • 描述你如何处理处于不同diverse range 的学生
  • 描述你的方法和教学材料融入了多元化的内容
  • 展示你的个人背景和经验是如何影响你对待学科,研究和学生的:
    • 比如你如何支持学生/facutly 参与大学教育资源的平等分配
    • 比如考虑你的研究是如何处理 diversty 的
  • 考虑如何使学生做好在多元化社会中就业的准备
